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Heart-Healthy Tips For Longer Life Expectancy

Life expectancy can be increased with some simple steps and changes. Let's start with these heart-healthy tips:

Quit Smoking- Besides high cholesterol and high blood pressure (HBP), smoking is another leading heart disease risk factor and one of the top controllable risk factors at the same time. According to the American Heart Association, avoiding tobacco is one of the most effective steps you can take to help protect your health and blood vessels. Not only does your ticker benefits, but your overall health, too.

Unwind With Engaging Activities- Activities, such as knitting, sewing, crocheting can play a crucial role in relieving stress and do your heart some good. Cooking, gardening, completing jigsaw puzzles are some other relaxing hobbies that can help ease stress.

Resort To Fish- Fish like salmon, tuna, sardines, herring are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids helps ward off cardiovascular disease. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least twice a week. Mercury or other contaminants in fish might be a matter of concern for you, but the heart-healthy benefits far outweighs the risk for most people.

Laughter Is The Best Medicine- Laughter may be good for your ticker since research suggests laughing can lower stress hormones, decrease arteries inflammation, and raise your level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL cholesterol- good cholesterol).

Yoga- Yoga has the potential to improve heart health by reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease. Consult with your healthcare provider with regards to heart-healthy postures.

Know Your Numbers- HBP, high blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides are major heart disease risk factors. Schedule checkups with your doctor so that you learn the optimal levels for your age group and sex. Knowing the numbers will enable you to adopt measures to reach and maintain those levels if you are on the higher or lower side of the number.

Pet Therapy- Pets offer numerous health benefits, including a pet may help improve the function of your ticker and lung function.

Cut Down Upon Fat- Learn how to read nutrition labels which will enable you take stock of what you're eating and avoid foods that are high in saturated fat since cutting down on your saturated fat intake can significantly lower your risk of heart disease.

Regularly Brush- Bacteria that cause gum disease can significantly raise your risk of heart disease, which highlights the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene, not to mention there's no downside to taking good care of your gums and teeth.

Exercise- Consult with your healthcare provider before starting with a type of physical activity for your health. Aerobic activity has shown to keeping your ticker healthy, though there are other types of exercise as well. Go for a walk to lower your stress levels, which is good for both your physical and mental health.

Have Breakfast- Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and rightfully so since it can help maintain a healthy diet and weight. Consult with your nutritionist to build a heart-healthy meal.
Last, but not the least including nuts in your diet can help lower your risk of heart disease. Since nuts are high in calories, keep the serving size small.

Your heart in good shape means you are at a lower risk for cardiac emergencies, such as a cardiac arrest or heart attack. Still, you should stay prepared to deal with these emergencies efficiently in case someone close to you is involved. The best way to handle such emergencies is by undergoing training in the lifesaving CPR procedure. The procedure involves external chest compressions and rescue breathings that aim to maintain blood circulation and oxygenation during cardiac arrest. To sign up for a course at CPR Kansas City, call on 913-998-7499.


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