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Symptoms And Causes Of Broken Heart Syndrome

Broken heart syndrome is often brought on by stressful situations and extreme emotions, and can also be triggered by a serious physical illness or surgery. This temporary heart condition affects just part of the heart, temporarily disrupting the ticker’s normal pumping action and the rest of the heart continues to function normally. The good thing is that the symptoms of broken heart syndrome are treatable, and the condition generally reverses itself in days or weeks.

Chest pain and shortness of breath are common symptoms. Individuals with broken heart syndrome may think they are having a heart attack (myocardial infarction- MI), rightfully so since broken heart syndrome can mimic a heart attack. It is very important that you take any long-lasting or persistent chest pain seriously since it could be a sign of a heart attack, call 911 right away. Dial 911 or emergency medical services if you’re having any chest pain, a very rapid or irregular heartbeat, or shortness of breath after a stressful event.

A surge of stress hormones, such as adrenaline, might temporarily damage the tickers of some individuals, although the exact cause of broken heart syndrome isn’t clear. Also, ways the hormones might hurt the ticker or whether something else is responsible isn’t completely clear. Additionally, individuals who’ve broken heart syndrome may also have a difference in the structure of the heart muscle. Some of the potential triggers include death of a loved one, loss of a lot of money, strong arguments, domestic abuse, divorce, public speaking, financial difficulty, a medical diagnosis (which might be life-threatening), physical stressors like asthma attack, a major surgery or a broken bone.
Drugs, such as Epinephrine (to treat a severe asthma attack), Duloxetine (medication to treat nerve problems), Venlafaxine (a treatment for depression), Levothyroxine, and unprescribed or illegal stimulants such as cocaine- may also contribute to broken heart syndrome.

The difference between heart attack and broken heart syndrome lies in the fact that the former is caused by a complete or near complete blockage of a heart artery, which is due to formation of a blood clot at the site of narrowing from fatty buildup in the wall of the artery, whereas the heart arteries aren’t blocked in broken heart syndrome though blood flow in the arteries may be reduced.

Risk Factors:
Number of known risk factors for broken heart syndrome includes age (it appears that most individuals who have broken heart syndrome are older than 50), a history of a neurological condition, such as a head injury or a seizure disorder, a previous or current psychiatric disorder like depression or anxiety.

In rare cases, broken heart syndrome is life-threatening. It’s very rare though since most people who experience broken heart syndrome quickly recover. Other complications include heart failure, low blood pressure, disruptions in your heartbeat, pulmonary edema (backup of fluid into your lungs).
Although most people won’t experience a second event, many healthcare providers puts a patient on long-term treatment with beta blockers or similar medications that block the potentially damaging effects of stress hormones on the ticker.

To sign up for a CPR course, contact CPR Kansas City on 913-998-7499.


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