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Showing posts from May, 2019

Facts about Mediterranean Diet and Its Benefit for Heart Health

Mediterranean diet might be right for you if you are looking for a heart-healthy eating plan which incorporates the basics of healthy eating along with a splash of flavorful olive oil and perhaps a glass of red wine among other components characterizing the traditional cooking style of countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea. A healthy diet should include fruits, vegetables, fish and whole grains, and limit unhealthy fats. Heart disease makes an individual susceptible to a cardiac arrest or heart attack. These are life-threatening emergencies and a victim would require immediate treatment for survival. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency lifesaving procedure (comprising chest compressions and rescue breaths) performed when the heart stops beating (due to a cardiac arrest) and CPR administered immediately can double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest. Select a certified training site for acquiring training such as the AHA certified CPR Kansas City

Prevent Heart Disease with these Heart Healthy Diet Tips

Although you might be aware that eating certain foods increases heart disease risk, it’s often difficult to change eating habits. We are listing a few heart-healthy diet tips. Following these tips will keep your ticker in good shape for a long time. Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables - Not only are fruits and vegetables good sources of vitamins and minerals, but also are low in calories and rich in dietary fiber. They contain substances that may help prevent cardiovascular disease. Consumption of more fruits and vegetables may help you reduce intake of higher calorie foods, such as meat, cheese and snack foods. When it comes to selecting fruits and vegetables, go for fresh or frozen ones, low-sodium canned vegetables and canned fruit packed in juice or water. Limit vegetables with creamy sauces, fried or breaded vegetables, canned fruit packed in heavy syrup and frozen fruit with sugar added. Portion Size Control - How much you eat is as significant as what you eat. Peopl

Symptoms and Causes of Heart Arrhythmias and Kansas City PALS Classes

Heart arrhythmias or heart rhythm problems occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate the heartbeats do not work properly, causing the ticker to either beat too fast, or too slow or irregularly. Arrhythmias may or may not be harmless and they feel like a fluttering or racing heart. However, some arrhythmias may cause life-threatening signs and symptoms. Treating arrhythmia can often control or eliminate fast, slow or irregular heartbeats. Adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle may be able to reduce your arrhythmia risk because troublesome rhythms are often made worse or are even caused by a weak or damaged ticker. Healthy lifestyle measures including a regular regimen of physical exercise and healthy eating can keep your ticker in good shape and keep cardiac emergencies at bay. Get CPR trained to face cardiac arrest scenarios efficiently. Even a child or an infant can be at the receiving end of this life-threatening heart event. CPR can help maintain blood flow to the organs un

Fats in your Diet and Maintaining a Heart-smart Balance

Fat has turned into a bad word in ticker health, but it’s not that simple. The types of fats that come from different foods in the diet aren’t all the same. Our body requires dietary fats for functioning and cutting down on all fats from the diet may actually be contributing to obesity. According to research, cutting out dietary fat alone doesn’t have much of an impact on reducing cholesterol levels because we need fat, carbohydrates and protein for a good and balanced health. All these researches have led to a big shift in thinking about what makes a healthy diet. The type of fat you eat is key to the health of your ticker. Eating a healthy and balanced diet and regular physical exercise can keep your ticker in good shape. Experts recommend CPR training on the part of every individual to efficiently handle out-of-hospital cardiac arrest cases. Select a certified training center for acquiring training such as the AHA certified CPR Kansas City . Both theoretical and practical tr