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Measures to Lower your Blood Pressure and CPR Overland Park Kansas Classes

You’d be surprised to know that fewer than half of people with high blood pressure have it under control. Not keeping your blood pressure in check may lead to your pressure being too high for too long which can stretch and damage the arteries which can lead to health problems like heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney damage, vision loss, cognitive decline and memory loss. It is important to not brush off high blood pressure and your first line of defense should be to adopt healthy lifestyle measures as natural ways to lower your BP.

Remember, high BP is the biggest risk factor of cardiovascular disease which is the leading reason behind occurrence of cardiac emergencies like a cardiac arrest or heart attack. The best way to handle out-of-hospital cardiac emergencies is by signing up for CPR Overland Park Kansas classes. Go through the course curriculum prior to signing up for a course as there are programs for both healthcare and non-healthcare providers.

Natural Ways to Lower your BP:
1.      Strike a balance between nutrients. For example, reduce your sodium intake (under 1,500 mg per day) and increase potassium.
2.      Probiotics are consumable live bacteria so eat food that contains probiotics which has been linked to healthier blood pressure.
3.      According to researchers, extra pounds can actually cause heart muscle injury. Maintain a healthy body weight. Aim for a normal range of weight for your height which you can do by learning your BMI from your doctor. The greater your odds of developing HBP, the higher your body mass index. Include some form of physical activity in your daily routine to keep your BP and cholesterol levels in check.
4.      Be more active in your life as physical activity can be as beneficial to your heart as medication in some cases. On most days of the week, aim for 30 minutes a day of aerobic exercise like fast walking, running, swimming. Get your doctor’s OK before you start a workout program if you are new to exercise.
5.      No individual is devoid of stress, but prolonged stress can raise your blood pressure and keep it higher longer than is healthy. Relax your mind, body and blood pressure. Meditate, practice yoga, listen to music, tai chi, etc.
6.      Smoking damages blood vessels so quit smoking.

The optimal blood pressure is 120/80 mm Hg (referred to as “120 over 80”) or below. For adults, HBP is defined as systolic pressure above 140 or diastolic pressure above 90. Usually, a diagnosis of HBP results when you have high readings on three different occasions during a single week.
Contribute towards the safety of cardiac arrest victims by signing up for a class today. For more information, call CPR Kansas City on 913-998-7499.


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