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Things to Know about Endocarditis and CPR Overland Park Kansas Classes

Endocarditis is a rare condition that involves inflammation of the heart lining, heart muscles, and valves. It is also referred to as infective endocarditis (IE), bacterial endocarditis (BE), infectious endocarditis, and fungal endocarditis. It is caused by an infection of the endocardium (the innermost layer of tissue that lines the chambers of the heart. Its cells are embryologically and biologically similar to the endothelial cells that line blood vessels. The endocardium also provides protection to the valves and chambers) which is normally caused by streptococcal or staphylococcal bacteria. It is twice as common in men as in women. In the United States, over 25 percent of cases affect people aged 60 years or above. Before furthering with our discussion, read to know more about the valuable CPR techniques.

The CPR techniques comprise chest compressions and rescue breaths. Proper application of the procedures can restore the life of a victim involved in a cardiac emergency which can either be a cardiac arrest or heart attack (myocardial infarction). For a CPR Overland Park Kansas, make sure to choose an accredited training center such as the AHA certified CPR Kansas City. Certified instructors conduct the classes through a series of audio and video lectures and hands-on practice.

Causes of Endocarditis:

It can happen when bacteria or fungi enter the body because of an infection, or when normally harmless bacteria that live in the mouth, upper respiratory tract, or other parts of the body attack the heart tissue.

1.      It can be triggered by a dental treatment or procedure that results in an infection. The risk increases with poor health in the teeth or gum which makes it easier for the bacteria to get in. People should maintain a good oral hygiene for preventing heart infection.
2.      Again, heart defect (which can include a defect from birth, an abnormal cardiac valve or damaged heart tissue) increases the risk if bacteria enter the body.
3.      Bacteria can also enter through surgical procedures which includes tests to examine the digestive tract, for example, a colonoscopy. Procedures that affect the breathing tract, the urinary tract, including kidneys, bladder, and urethra, the skin, the bones and the muscles, are also risk factors.
4.      A candida fungal infection can also be a cause.
5.      A urinary catheter or long-term intravenous medication which are surgical tools can increase the risk.
6.      A bacterial infection in another part of the body, for example, a skin sore or a gum disease, can lead to the spread of bacteria. Another risk factor is use of uncleaned needles in injecting drugs. The risk of endocarditis is higher for someone who develops sepsis.

Symptoms vary between individuals and may include
1.      a high temperature, or fever
2.      a new or different heart murmur
3.      muscle pain
4.      bleeding under the fingernails or toenails
5.      broken blood vessels in the eyes or skin
6.      chest pain
7.      coughing
8.      headache
9.      shortness of breath, or panting
10.  small painful, red or purple lumps, or nodules, on the fingers, toes, or both
11.  small, painless, flat spots on the sole of the feet or palms of the hands
12.  small spots from broken blood vessels under the nails, on the whites of the eyes, on the chest, in the roof of the mouth and inside the cheeks
13.  sweating, including night sweats
14.  swelling of the limbs or abdomen
15.  blood in the urine
16.  weakness, tiredness, and fatigue
17.  unexpected weight loss

Treatment- Treatment options include antibiotics given intravenously, through a drip where a patient is required to stay in the hospital or surgery if the endocarditis has damaged the ticker.
Sign up for a CPR program today and gain the benefits. Call CPR Kansas City on 913-998-7499.


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