Automated External Defibrillator helps in the process of defibrillation that involves application of electric shocks to the chest of a victim of cardiac arrest. The device can stabilize the condition of a victim by normalizing the abnormal heart rhythm that caused cardiac arrest in the person in the first place. Training in how to use an AED device is imparted in the CPR classes itself. For CPR Overland Park Kansas , you can sign up for a program at the AHA accredited CPR Kansas City . Both theoretical and practical training are imparted to the students. Read on to know more about how to use an AED device: AED’S should be used right away when there is an emergency. The higher will be the chances of survival of the victim, the quicker you get the defibrillator hooked up to the person. During cardiac emergency, one person should perform CPR while the other person should locate an AED. Also make sure to call the emergency medical services by dialing 911. Prep...