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CPR Renewal Classes For Healthcare Professionals In Kansas City

Healthcare professionals would most probably be aware of the significance of learning certain important life-saving medical procedures specifically the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation procedures. The CPR procedures were devised by the renowned American
Heart Association which mainly comprises of chest compressions and rescue breathings. Proper application of these techniques in the ratio of 30:2 can lead to the survival of a cardiac arrest victim. Cardiac arrest has lately been claiming a lot many lives and healthcare professionals would most likely be facing such scenarios more number of times than any other professional. There are CPR courses for both healthcare as well as non-healthcare professionals but a good training site or school is what is required for a candidate to get quality training. Just remember that it is only proper application of the procedures which can revive a cardiac arrest victim which can only happen through a proper amount of training from a good training site.

If you are a resident of Kansas City then you can enroll for a CPR training program at the AHA accredited CPR Overland Park Kansas City where certified instructors conducts the classes through a series of audio and video lectures and hands-on practice. At the end of the program expect to be certified with an AHA provider card which comes with a validity of 2 years.

There are specific and a variety of resuscitation courses for the medical professionals which you can choose from. The programs includes Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support and the Pediatric Advanced Life Support. The former program is for the ones who are looking forward to learning the CPR techniques for the first time and the latter programs are for the advanced healthcare professionals. Expect to receive an AHA provider card after successfully passing a written exam and a skills test. Prior to enrolling for any of the above mentioned programs do go through the course curriculum in order to select the most appropriate course for yourself.

BLS Renewal Classes- Like we have mentioned earlier that an AHA card comes with a validity of 2 years which means as the expiry of your card would draw near you would require to make sure to go for the CPR renewal classes for extending the validity of your card. An expired card would not be of any value for you.

ACLS Renewal Classes- In the Advanced Cardiac Life Support renewal classes a student would get the opportunity to brush up on his or her already acquired skills in the advanced resuscitation techniques. A student would also get to learn any new life-saving technique which may have come to the fore. The classes takes place in a relaxed and stress-free environment. The program fee is 199$ and you can even add BLS by paying an extra amount of only 39$. There are ACLS renewal classes scheduled on the 26th and 28th August and a combined ACLS-BLS renew class scheduled on the 26th August for which you can enroll now as there are limited seats.

PALS Refresher Course- In the PALS classes a student would get to learn about the child and infant resuscitation techniques. The refresher program would give you an opportunity to brush up on your skills which will enable you in facing any pediatric emergency scenario efficiently.

The bottom line is that the CPR procedures is important for everyone to learn, not only healthcare professionals but also the general public not from the medical field. It is only benefits that one can get through quality training. So you can sign up for a program either online or can call us on 913-998-7499 for registration.


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