In today’s day and age where everyone is more or less leading a fast paced sedentary lifestyle, there has been a meteoric rise in obesity and stress-related problems which in turn has given way to various heart conditions. More and more people are dying of a cardiac arrest which is quite a life-threatening condition. For CPR Overland Park Kansas training classes one can sign up for a program at the AHA accredited CPR Kansas City where certified instructors conducts the classes through a series of audio and video lectures and hands-on practice. A cardiac arrest victim would require appropriate treatment for survival and the only form of treatment which can lead to such a victim’s survival are the proper application of the Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation procedures which comprises of chest compressions and rescue breaths. It is not only adults or elderly people who are prone to a cardiac arrest, children and infants are as much prone to getting struck with it. Each and every i...